teal bicycle fabric pull

Preparing for a Snow{Sew} Day

This Storm Could be HISTORIC… New England: “No Town will Escape the Storm”… Powerhouse Storm: When Will the Heaviest Snow Hit? 

Blizzard warning

With headlines like that, there’s no question what we’ll be doing tomorrow: hunkering down and waiting out the blizzard, hoping our power stays on. Honestly, I love snow. I’m excited that our forecast calls for 18-24 inches of the white stuff, as long as our power stays on. We have a generator now, so even without power, we can run the circulator for the wood boiler (heat), and the water pump (water), and power a little electricity for the refrigerator and a light or two. Note that my sewing machine is not high enough in the hierarchy to warrant generator power. But as the Boy Scouts always say, “Be prepared.”

So, today I’ve been preparing. Preparing for snow: the chickens are fully stocked with food and water, the dishwasher has been run, laundry is going all day, jars of water will be set out later tonight just in case. But also preparing for sewing, just in case we keep our power and I get some sewing time after the kids’ bedtime. My biggest work in progress these days is my secret sewing Doe quilt. I still can’t show you, but I can promise the reveal will be soon! I’ve almost finished the quilting, so next up is squaring, binding, and the dreaded thread-burying. I cut the binding strips and am all ready to make the binding.

cutting binding stripsI’m using Architextures Crosshatch in Cadet with a splash of Poppy for my binding. This quilt will be all-things Carolyn Friedlander, so her Architextures fabric line had to have a role somewhere. These fabrics make the perfect binding! If I can make the binding and get it sewn onto the quilt tonight, then I will be SEW prepared in the case that we lose power–hand stitching, baby!

architextures fabric in cadet and poppy

I’ve also been planning and pulling fabrics for my next version of my Key to My Heart paper piecing & applique pattern (only $2 until Valentine’s Day!). I’m loving this bicycle print, which is Bluebird Park by Kate and Birdie Paper Co., for Moda, and the colors that coordinate just happen to be my favorite color.

key to my heart bicycle fabric pull

teal bicycle fabric pullI’m actually contemplating making an entire quilt of hearts, with various things I love in the middle of each heart, and of course in a rainbow of colors. How cool would THAT be?! I’ll add it to my ideas list under “selfish sewing”. Perhaps one day!

What’s your favorite thing to do on a snow day?

I’m linking up to my first Monday Makers! Maybe I’ll have my heart (and secret quilt!?) finished by next Monday for the next link-up.

5 thoughts on “Preparing for a Snow{Sew} Day”

  1. It has been so long since we’ve had snow (we used to get 6-8 snowfalls a year. Last year we had 1. This year, none. 😦 ) What do I like to do on a snow day? Sleep in! haha! Drink lots of hot tea, quilt, and if the power is out, read. I love your idea to make a heart quilt full of things you love, that sounds very delightful! Good luck getting the binding down tonight so that you are prepared either way for the weather and life conditions of tomorrow.


  2. We’re out of the path of the snowstorm that’s headed in – last year’s monster Christmas storms were quite enough! Stay warm, stay safe, and I hope you can get some sewing in – it’s a great way to spend snow days if you have power … or a great reason to get some hand-stitching done if you don’t 😀


  3. One of the perils of being able to work from home is that I can work from home. I slept in a little and had a lovely wfh day today. I can’t believe the snow outside right now in Worcester MA.


  4. Last time I remember snow…hmmm long time ago..LOL I love snow so much. when I was a kid, I used to sit on the window pane and just watch the sky while the snow flakes gently swirled down. Miss those moments..
    Thank you for linking up with me over at Monday Monday Makers! and I hope the blizzard didn’t affect your house much. Looking forward to seeing your finished quilt next Monday!


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