Bye Bye Affiliate Links

You may notice something new on my blog these days, and I wanted to write a quick post letting you know about it–I’m no longer including affiliate links in blog posts. It recently came to my attention that affiliate link payback is actually not permitted in the state of Maine, according to state regulations. That helps explain why I’ve never seen a return from the few Amazon and Sizzix affiliate links I’ve posted! Knowing that, I wanted to publicly announce that there will be no more affiliate links on this blog (and any that are already posted are obsolete).

You can see my thoughts on sponsorship here, and the feelings I express are the same. My number one goal with this blog is to share excitement, inspiration, and project ideas, as well as to create community among us like-minded quilters. I will still link to relevant products and services in my blog posts, since I truly think the links are helpful. If I am really enjoying using a certain tool, fabric, or service, wouldn’t you like to know how to try it yourself? I know I would. Now, though, your clicking through the link won’t kick any pennies my way.

PATTERN STOREIf you still want to support my making and blogging in a tangible way, you can purchase my patterns on Craftsy (if you live in the EU, please purchase through Payhip), continue to support my sponsors so that they want to continue working with me, and of course, continue to comment and share and offer the wonderful conversations I value so greatly. Thank you for joining me along my creative journey, and for sharing encouragement, support, inspiration, and friendship along the way!

3 thoughts on “Bye Bye Affiliate Links”

  1. I’m not sure why affiliate links that are disclosed as such from a blog would be illegal, Maybe the State just can’t figure out a way to track and tax the income or they feel there is a potential for some sort of consumer protection issues. I think its great how up-front you are about the business of blogging and how it works. In any case, I do want to support your blog and will continue to do so! It is a great source of ideas and inspiration, especially when you link your quilting to the natural world and the inspiration it gives to you.


  2. I have to admit that I just decided that dealing with affiliate links was too much of a hassle and unlikely to provide much income, so I never even set up to do so. Interesting about the state of Maine, I’m guessing California would have a weird policy on it, too, if I looked. 🙂


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