love is the key foundation paper pieced pattern

Love is the Key: Pattern Release and Sale!

Love is always the key. We know that. But now we can also SEW that! Those who know me know that I am a sap for hearts and I see them literally everywhere. One of my proudest moments was the first time my daughter brought me a heart she found in nature. It was a dirty old dried up piece of orange peel that she had found in the gravel driveway, and she was filled to the brim with excitement that she had found a heart. Since then, Maddie and I (and now Max, a bit) have found countless heart rocks, heart sea glass, heart snowballs, heart leaves, and more… since truly, love is everywhere. Reminiscent story aside, today I’m excited to release my newest pattern: Love is the Key.

Love is the Key CoverLove is the Key is a foundation paper pieced pattern that measures 9″ square, but with an option for a 4.5″ wide by 9″ tall version. It features a heart-topped key and is a very easy, beginner-friendly paper piecing pattern. Believe it or not, this pattern was first conceptualized and sketched almost a year ago, on my flight home from QuiltCon. It’s a mash-up of my Unlocked and Love Struck patterns, since who doesn’t need more heart-filled pattern options?

love is the key foundation paper pieced patternTo help celebrate the month of love, this pattern release is also kicking off a pattern sale of all of my love-themed patterns, today through Valentine’s Day. That gives you ample time to sew up some love for your partner, your kids, your parents, or hey–even for yourself!

pattern sale loveGrab Love is the Key for only $3 while you can! The prices have already been reduced in my Craftsy and Payhip shops. After Valentine’s Day, all patterns will return to their standard prices of $4.50 (but my love will still be there).

I always love to see what you create, so please use the hashtag #loveisthekeypattern and tag me @nightquilter when you share on social media.

coming soon... Flying KeyI’m also excited about a few add-on pattern features I’m hoping to release soon. Most likely not by Valentine’s Day, but soon you will be able to stitch up a flying heart key, and will have top and bottom options for a “create your own adventure” key. So much fun. So much love.

I’m linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts’ Finish it up Friday since I’m psyched I finally finished this pattern, even if it did take me a year!




12 thoughts on “Love is the Key: Pattern Release and Sale!”

  1. As Silvia said to me on IG, today must be pattern release day! Congratulations no getting this pattern released, it looks amazing. I think it is awesome that you see hearts and love everywhere, Kitty, and are passing that along to your children, too. ❤


  2. Love how you put the heart together – I’ve tried a few times to get curves like that in paper piecing and always get an internal corner warning. This looks perfect!


  3. Okay, Kitty. Thanks to all your wonderful posts of your paper piecing work and now this very tempting pattern, I will dive in and give it a try for the very first time! And the story of your little ones finding love all around them says a great deal about the world that you have created and shared with them 🙂 Well done and thanks for making me smile.


  4. Such a lovely design! One of my favorite things about the beginning of the year is all the quilty hearts that pop up for valentines day. I can’t wait to see what other variations on the key design you come up with.

    Will you add-ons be an update to the pattern or additional patterns? Just curious 🙂


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