hiking Blue Hill Mountain Maine

Getting into the Swing of Things… or Not

Despite the best intentions, I’ve had a pretty slow start at “getting back into the swing of things” after returning from the Slow Stitching Retreat. I have done zero non-deadline related sewing, my house is not nearly as tidy as I’d like, and there are days where we all just run amok outside all day long. But you know what? I’ve decided that’s all okay. These are the final days of summer, with my daughter beginning 1st grade next week and my son beginning preschool two weeks after that, so I’ve officially decided that it is a-okay for the plans and schedules to go out the window. There will be plenty of time for schedules, cleaning, sewing, blogging, and organization in September.

Here’s what I’ve been up to this past week and a half, a peek at our family fun through phone photos, with not even a lick of sewing involved. It happens! Note: Not shown are the moments of crying and bickering kids, sweaty complaints, frustration, exhaustion, and boredom that are very much a part of life. Just keeping it real–I’m human, too! All my days aren’t sunshine and roses, but I like to share the high points here. Enjoy!

organic you pick blueberries at North Branch Farm
We spent a sunny late morning picking blueberries at our local organic farm, North Branch Farm.
organic you pick blueberries at North Branch Farm
16.6 lbs to be exact!!
meeting up with Karin Jordan's family
Quilty blogger friend Karin from Leigh Laurel Studios took her family on an impromptu weekend getaway to Belfast, Maine, so we got our families together for beach, drinks, and dinner. So fun!
garden flower
I’ve been enjoying the late summer blooms in our garden…
hiding spider in flower
…as well as the clever creatures who hide within them!
hiking Blue Hill Mountain
I hiked to the top of a mountain with a friend and our cumulative 5 kids. It was quite a fun adventure!
Robot Dinosaur on the trail
My son insisted on bringing his friend “Robot Dinosaur” on the hike (yes, it’s a toy digger, but the digger part looks like a dinosaur neck and head, right? Right. Trust me, don’t call it a digger.).
hiking Blue Hill Mountain
The weather was perfect and the view was fantastic! This photo was taken about 2 minutes into the 2 and a half hour hike. We were celebrating being on the trail!
hiking Blue Hill Mountain Maine
Most of the hike was along gorgeous, shady forest trails.
hiking Blue Hill Mountain Maine
With a gorgeous look out on the top, at over 900 feet elevation. The kids did great, the moms-lugging-babies did great, and Robot Dinosaur rested in the woods near the bottom of the trail until our descent.

I hope that you are enjoying the final days of summer (or whatever season it may be in your corner of the world), and I look forward to sharing sewing and inspiration with you again soon! Just last night I pulled fabric for three (3) new Farmer’s Wife blocks, and I have plans to finally finish a much overdo and beloved project, as well as join in (in a very relaxed, no pressure way) on the #100blocks100days challenge hosted by Angie at Gnome Angel, thanks to Kim at My Go Go Life‘s prompting! There is much sewing inspiration on the horizon!

8 thoughts on “Getting into the Swing of Things… or Not”

  1. No schedule for summer sounds just about right! That hike looks fabulous (and very smart of you to have convinced Robot Dinosaur to wait for you at the bottom!) and I’m impressed that all of those kids managed the distance. Those blueberries look amazing…I’m thinking they should be ripe here about now. I love a day spent out in the woods berry picking, and it doesn’t get any more organic than that 🙂


  2. Great post, Kitty! I haven’t been much in the swing of sewing things either, as we’ve been moving our daughter to her first apartment, taking road trips, and squeezing the last ounce of summer into our schedule before fall drops all its leaves in our lap. Enjoy all the fun you are having, and here’s to a sewful September!


  3. Whew! That top photo had me thinking that Finn has really grown over the summer! Then I realized you sneaked someone else’s child in. Beautiful summer days, hiking, blueberries, adorable kiddos–definitely the way life should be 🙂


  4. Looks like you are having a blast, enjoy the fun before the kiddos start school! I would trade some time in the sewing room for some of these adventures, that’s for sure. 🙂


  5. Glad to see you guys out there enjoying the great weather. We are a bit north of you in Atlantic Canada and August days are perfect here too.


  6. when we drive thru belfast to machias, the scenery over the bay is just breathtaking….lovely photos and good for you for putting your children first…once they start school, the years whiz by…


  7. Looks like you are really enjoying the remainder of the holidays. I am so envious of the blueberries …. when we lived in NZ there was a PYO farm that opened up for three weekends in January. Oh my I had never picked blueberries before and they were NZ$5/kilo – needless to say our freezer was full of them and we used them with gay abandon …. not so much here in the UK sadly.


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