typewriter and supernova swap block 1

Putting it in Perspective

Earlier this week marked two years since I first began writing this blog. That’s right… two years. It feels like such a short time, yet I feel like so much has happened here–sharing stories and inspiration, making friends, keeping on top of project progress (or lack thereof!), improving techniques together, and so much more. It has been a full two years, and I’m so grateful to you for joining me on my journey.

I’ve always been one to set my goals high, which often is a good thing. If there’s a technique or project I want to try, I just go for it. If I want to create my own patterns, I dive in. If I want to go to QuiltCon, I make it happen (at least last year!). But with lofty goals and high expectations comes that nagging feeling that I’m just not cutting it. There are bound to be deadlines that come and go without the project being finished (I’m still working on one such project). There are goals that I set that just can’t be met, not due to any lack of desire or drive, but because of the many hats I wear as maker, wife, and full time mom. My husband has often commented on how my daily to-do lists assume superhuman ability, and it is important to remember that I am only human. A thrice needed mama human, at that.

With a few missed deadlines and a couple looming ones, paired with the general excitement on social media from everyone attending QuiltCon this year, I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed and disappointed with myself. Seeing the reminder pop up a couple days ago that it is my 2-year blogoversary really helped me back up and put it all into perspective. I’ve been quilting and designing intentionally for only two years. Yet, really, I’ve accomplished a lot! Most importantly, I work daily to balance time with my family with my creative life and I think I’m more consistently finding that balance, and missing QuiltCon this year is a result of that. I would say that’s a win.

Plus, I found that my work is “out in the wild” in a couple of new, exciting places. It’s always fun to see that others are inspired enough by your work to share it, especially in big publications.

amy butler issue 3 blossomMy quilt photography appears in Issue 3 of Amy Butler’s Blossom eMagazine in an article written by Stephanie at Late Night Quilter about the Supernova Friendship Swap that happened last year.

typewriter and supernova swap block 1The above photo is the full title page spread, which is pretty awesome to see.

dropcloth color wheel rainbow quiltThe second fun appearance is of my rainbow embroidery sampler, which is included in an article on About.com. You can visit the article here, and be inspired by all sorts of fun rainbow embroidery projects. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the push I need to be brave, tackle circles, and finish this rainbow color wheel. But not until after I finish my deadline projects. Life goes on. The projects will be there.

I’m sharing my reflection on the whole maker-mom journey in the hopes that it may help you put your own life in perspective when needed. The next time you’re feeling down about the project you didn’t finish, or the technique you just can’t get (yet!), take a step back and look for the good. It’s there. It just has a habit of getting buried by everything else, at least for me. Keep on making with a smile, set your sights high, and take it one step at a time.

Enjoy the journey, and thank you for joining me on mine. I sure am enjoying it!

21 thoughts on “Putting it in Perspective”

  1. I think its really amazing how much you accomplish and all the places that you share everything you make, all the while being mommy to three small children. My kids are grown and I have a full time job and have trouble finishing all that I want to do. I tell people that I am a “beginning quilter” that is I “begin” lots of things and finish fewer. 🙂 I really enjoy your blog and seeing you on Instagram & Periscope. Here’s a pat on the back, thumbs up and keep on doing what you are doing.


  2. Kitty, you should be so proud of all you’ve accomplished. I think you are an amazing woman and I feel so blessed to have met you last year at QuiltCon. Your work inspires me, your devotion to family is a beautiful testimony, and your joyful spirit shines through in every post!


  3. You have come a long way in a short space of time. You have achieved wonderful things. Sometimes in the busyness we forget to enjoy the journey. You have such a fantastic future ahead of you, don’t put yourself under so much pressure that you beat yourself up. Enjoy every step along the way and just let your future unfold.

    With smiles


  4. Kitty, I’m always amazed at all you get done–with a spirit of attention, generosity, grace and love. Yes, you have indeed accomplished a LOT–with your family, your quilting and your blogging! Congratulations on being recognized for your fine work, too! Bloom is a fun e-magazine that I didn’t know about, and right there are your beautiful blocks in a neat article about community. Your color wheel (I’ve always been smitten with it) certainly deserves more attention–what a great spot for it to be linked back to you. Well done, you!


  5. To my favourite blogger…
    You rock – it is not about the quantity of posts – it is about the quality of them. And yours are stellar. I find you stretch me creatively making me want to try new patterns with a modern flair. And Quilt Con – I wonder about next year when it is on the East Coast. If the Canadian dollar or loonie as we like to call it doesn’t tank further, then I think I will try to attend. With regard to family – it took me 5 years to complete my Masters of Science in Nursing – I deposited my thesis one day before the deadline when I would be kicked out of the program. And I decided to take my time so I could keep my family as a priority – exactly what you are doing. Long after blogs, or degrees your family will be there and you don’t want to miss all the highlights. Life changes with #3 As my physician said “you are now outnumbered.” And it becomes more evident once they are mobile. Look after yourself Kitty – you need to take care of you.


  6. I’m not a mom and I struggle with this! I always feel like I don’t do enough and it really gets me down if I dwell on all I haven’t done. When I look back, though, I’m not doing too shabby. 🙂 I could always spend more time cooking better, cleaning more, working on pattern design, exercising, etc., but what I’m doing now is working out pretty good, so that’s an accomplishment! Lol. What you do is awesome! I can’t imagine having to juggle all that you do and still being able to create such wonderful things. Snaps to you, Kitty! 🙂


  7. Congrats on TWO YEARS!! You are amazing! Also, I just want to mention that I think QuiltCon is exhausting for EVERYONE, whether there or home (I can say this having also been on both sides). It’s overwhelming and wonderful but also extremely overwhelming. Know that you are in good company!


  8. You do amazing work and I love that you are driven to be creative and be a mom both at the same time. Many feel that being a mom means they don’t have time to create. And your accomplishments are awesome! I work full time, and many people say, “How do you find time to sew?” My question is how do they not? It IS what makes life beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


  9. Keep remembering what your husband said — that you are human. And remember that you ARE taking steps forward, almost every day, and they do not need to be giant steps. Sometimes a few small steps are better than an attempt to make one big leap and falling flat on your face. I enjoy your work.


  10. Congratulations on your work making it out into the wider world. It’s got to be very exciting… you’ve come so far in just two years. Those high standards of ours can be exhausting. Trust me, whether you made it to QuiltCon or not, whether you mastered that technique that’s been eluding you or not, you are more than deserving of an *elbow bump* or seven!


  11. This is a great post. I’ve also been blogging for two years and you are ahead of me by leaps and bounds. Don’t get me wrong I’m fine where I am slowly creeping along .


  12. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. I’m approaching 3 years in May and trust me, you’re way ahead of the game (not that it’s a race). And even more kudos to you for accomplishing so much all the while being mama to 3 kiddos. I have to remind myself that it’s not about the destination, but the journey.


  13. I just want to echo that you HAVE accomplished so very much, and congratulations for that! And also you are not alone. I’ve got the nagging voice in my head that I’m not doing enough, not out there enough, not blogging enough, not quilting enough, not designing enough, etc. Enough. It’s not a race, it’s a journey, and the company is fantastic. ❤


  14. Perhaps you’ve had to following advice thrown at you all too often, but I really have to say that when I started expecting that I would accomplish little to nothing in my sewing room, that’s when it really took the pressure off of me. When I actually found the time to sew, then I was excited to have gotten more done than I expected… kind of like under promising and then over delivering. A bit silly, I know, but somehow I needed to psych myself out in order to enjoy the little steps that I did complete.

    Congrats on your feature!

    … and as for that circle, go for it! Once you finish it, you will ask yourself why it took you so long to try it.


  15. Congratulations on two years, and all that you’ve accomplished in that time!! I know what you mean about feeling like you should be able to do more, and feeling like you lose sight of all that you have been able to do. I do the same thing sometimes, and it’s wonderful to sit back and look at reality sometimes. I’m looking forward to everything that you’ll do/share in the years to come!


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