blue hydrangea

Color Inspiration Thursday {57}

My Color Inspiration posts have been less consistent this summer, but not for a lack of color. I’ve been focusing on sewing and having quality family time outside, and with an infant, it’s a lot trickier to carry a camera around with me to capture the color all around us. But it’s still there, oh–it’s there! Last week we had a full, full house with my entire family visiting (minus one brother-in-law)–my parents, two brothers, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, and two cousins; it was a full house! This week I’ll be sharing some colorful flowers seen during forays into town, turned into color palettes with Play Crafts’ Palette Builder 2.1.

purple cone flower echinacea color paletteCorresponding solids from left to right:
Kona Titanium, Bella Nautical Blue, Bella Magenta, Bella Peony, Bella Petal Pink, Bella Leaf

Corresponding Aurifil thread from left to right:
2606 – Mist
1310 – Med Blue Grey
2455 – Med Carmine Red
2479 – Med Orchid
2566 – Wisteria
2887 – Olive

Purple cone flower, or echinacea, is one of my favorite summer flowers. The color, the shape, the wild nature–I love it all. These were spotted along the Belfast waterfront, beautifying the view of the harbor.

blue hydrangea color paletteCorresponding solids from left to right:
Kona Grapemist, Kona Amethyst, Kona Lavender, Kona Blueberry, Bella Sapphire, Kona Blue Jay

Corresponding Aurifil thread from left to right:
2770 – V Lt Delft
2720 – Light Delft
2725 – Lt Wedgewood
2560 – Iris
2775 – Steel Blue
4140 – Wedgewood

Hydrangea. Honestly, it took me a while to fully appreciate this flower. The color of course is hard to be topped, but the giant fluffball style just isn’t my thing. When seen close up, however, the beauty of the color and the detail of each individual petal wins over the goofy fluff. My daughter, on the other hand, LOVES these flowers. The bigger the better, in her opinion. Me, I’d opt for the delicate forget-me-not over the voluptuous (yes, I just called a flower voluptuous) hydrangea any day. But I’ll take the color anywhere I can!

9 thoughts on “Color Inspiration Thursday {57}”

  1. These photos are awesome. I especially like the hydrangea. The color palette makes me realize just how much variety in the shade there are. My grandson thinks these colors would make a beautiful quilt!


  2. I love the first combination – I’d missed the blue greys of the background, expecting the orange/brick from the center of the flower. Your combination is much more restful, but that gorgeous green gives it a pop and some life.


  3. I love both of them! The first one isn’t my normal choice of colors, but I’m a fan of purple cones as well. My mom had some on the north eastern corner of our house when I was growing up. The second one made me actually “Ohhhhhh!” out loud! Lol. I’m a sucker for pretty blues. 🙂


  4. I just love looking at these “color inspirations”. Every time you post one, I stare at the photo, looking at where the colors came from. I just think it’s so interesting how some of these combinations are all around us, we just don’t see it – and they would make great quilts! My favorite today was that blue one – simply beautiful! Like your daughter, I, too, love those flowers. 🙂


  5. I think I say it just about everytime that you have flowers for your color shots… “oh, that’s one of my favorite flowers”. (Note to self: I guess I have a lot of favorite flowers) But truth be told, I really adore these two… a lot. From the Carmine Red to the orchid is just about perfect shade of pink for me (so many clothes in that color!) And the hydrangea purples are my blues. Fluffy dresses? No. Fluffy flowers? Bring it on!


  6. I love the range of purples in the hydrangea. The soft transitions slowly merge into darker colours. I am not fond of the huge bushes – but the focus on a section of the flower takes it from “old lady” to modern.


  7. The hydrangea picture is so beautiful. We have one large hydrangea bush in the backyard but (I think) because it was so hot and dry this summer we did not get many blooms, yours is gorgeous.


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